Encounters - call for participants

Encounters, Birkbeck, 3rd and 4th December 2020

We are delighted to announce that CHASE Encounters will be returning on 3–4 December 2020, hosted by Birkbeck, University of London, but taking place completely online.

The biannual Encounters Conference is a chance for doctoral students to share ideas and research, build contacts and make networks across the eight institutions in CHASE: Sussex, Essex, Kent, UEA, Goldsmiths, the Courtauld, SOAS, and Birkbeck. There are also still CHASE students at the Open University: we welcome them into the mix too.

From this year the conference will be open to all doctoral students in the Arts and Humanities at the host CHASE institution not just CHASE-funded students across the consortium. So this call includes all Birkbeck arts students!

This year’s online event will take advantage of the possibilities offered by a virtual environment to enable encounters with each other and each other’s work in a variety of formats, new and old. The conference welcomes contributions on any topic and encourages research and ideas at any stage of development. In the climate of COVID-19, we encourage contributions which take account of the challenges which the pandemic has posed to your research or creative process. All presentations will include opportunity for questions, feedback, and discussion.


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