Turbocharge Your Writing with AI Tools
Training Organisation: Research Coach
Delivery: Online
Programme Description:
In this interactive session, you’ll discover how AI-powered tools can help you write faster, improve clarity, and streamline your process. From grammar and style enhancements to structural organization, you’ll explore a wealth of possibilities.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
• Evaluating AI-powered tools.
• Overcoming writer’s block.
• Capturing your ideas quickly.
• Improving clarity, coherence, and flow.
• Retaining your academic voice.
You’ll also get the opportunity to try out the tools in a supportive environment.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the session, you’ll have:
• Explored some of the most useful AI-powered writing tools.
• Understood the challenges and limitations of AI tools.
• Considered strategies for critically evaluating AI-generated search results.
• Discussed responsible and transparent use of AI tools in academic research.
• Developed a plan for integrating AI-powered tools into your existing workflow.