Call For Papers - CHASE Encounters Conference 2022
Here you will find the Call for Papers for the Autumn 2022 CHASE Encounters Conference with reflections and top tips from last years’ presenters. We cannot wait to receive your application.
We invite you to join us in building a creative, interdisciplinary, and accessible CHASE Encounters Conference. Hosted online on the 24th and 25th of November.
Over the last three years, the phrase ‘New Normal’ has been used to describe the pandemic, climate change and the cost of living crisis. This two-day conference will host leading, interdisciplinary research in conversation with the theme ‘New Normal?’
This conference invites CHASE-funded researchers to consider how 'Normal' is constructed, challenged, and transformed in your area of study. Who is included or excluded, and how can we engage in an interdisciplinary investigation? This topic has been chosen to include all CHASE-funded researchers. We will consider any application, even if a link to the theme is unclear.
The conference includes professional training from sought-after CHASE providers; project management skills, networking, academic and creative writing, research skills, and publishing in academic journals. We are also emphasising wellbeing and the value of taking time away from your work. Fun online workout classes, meditation and mindfulness sessions and even a workshop on how to look after houseplants will give you a chance to reset. Your family and flatmates are also welcome to join in the fun (inclusive of all ages).
With an emphasis on accessibility, this conference includes closed-captions, regular breaks, and specific sessions on neurodivergent working. We will write out reading recommendations and speakers’ key terms in the chat alongside speakers’ suggestions for the specific feedback they would like to receive from the audience. A comprehensive brochure will also include a record of key learnings from the training sessions and an easy to follow conference timetable.
We are looking for proposals for:
Work in Progress (5 or 10-minute presentations)
Well suited for students just starting their degree or who have completed their initial stages of research. Please specify the length of time in your proposal and you don’t need to submit a 250 word proposal but instead a few lines detailing what your focus will be and a personal bio.
Top Tip:
Presenting at Encounters gave me the opportunity to work on my paper’s content and delivery. This experience was invaluable as I worked on preparing for conferences in the Summer. The relaxed environment made presenting for the first time a stress-free experience, whilst the audience’s questions helped me identify areas of my paper to work on. I’d recommend all CHASE researchers take advantage of the chance to present to the friendly, supportive audiences found at CHASE conferences. - Mark Parker
If you would like advice on applying for this conference, and are looking to build your confidence with presenting - sign up here for our free, online training sessions.
Our Findings (20-minute presentations)
Well suited for students nearing completion of their degree, looking to reflect on their conclusions and how their research adds to their field.
Top Tip:
I found presenting an excellent opportunity to share my research and think through some of the issues/problems I had. My main piece of advice would be to write less than you think you need—it’s important that you stick to the time! - Benedict Welch
Poster Presentations (10-minute discussion)
Narrow down to one of your research questions or findings, and share this as a poster. Submit your poster and 2-3 questions for our audience, opening up a 10-minute interdisciplinary discussion and feedback on your work. Well-suited for researchers at all stages of their research.
Top Tip:
"You have to be so precise with a poster, narrowing down to a single finding or research question to fit on the page. I did this visually with post it notes on a pinboard, pulling each off to narrow down to a single core idea. This was an amazing exercise in clarifying my findings. I was able to re-submit the poster to several conferences, and the questions I got from attendees were invaluable in helping me to see my research differently. The poster is still guiding me in my research and writing!" - Carmen Silvestri
Our New Formats
Performances (15-minute presentation)
Well suited for practice-based PhD students. This is an opportunity to present your creative work; whether poetry, literature, or a virtual walk-through of your artwork.
Collaborative Doctoral Awards Presentations (CDAs) (15-minute presentation)
An opportunity to communicate your project goals and findings as a full team or a single speaker.
We are also looking for applicants to chair a panel. This is a valuable experience for researchers at any stage of their research. To register your interest please send a quick email including a 50-word biography. (Our upcoming online training sessions will also share top tips for chairing, sign up for free here.)
Top Tip:
As Chair I got to meet many people, both working within my research interests and outside of it, broadening my knowledge and understanding. I learnt a lot from the experience personally and academically, learning from the planning, from the speakers, the event organisers, and the audience. The experience gave me a sense of accomplishment and much-needed confidence in my ability. My advice: stay calm - this is not a test, enjoy the experience and have fun with the responsibility you are being given.
Also enjoy listening to the papers. Often when we are nervous or focusing on the job at hand, we can turn off and miss other things happening around us. Remember as a Chair you are there to enhance the speakers' papers, giving them the opportunity and space to answer questions and explain their papers further. Enjoy having the time to do this; you will take so much more from the experience and gain greater insight and understanding (remember as Chair you get to ask your own questions too!)
Who Can Apply?
We welcome proposals from CHASE-funded first to final-year students and CHASE alumni across the cohort.
How to Apply?
Please submit proposal, no more than 250-words, with title and a biography (around 50-words) to Milly at by 21st October (with the subject line Conference). If you are applying for a 5 -10 minute work in progress presentation (please specify the time) a shorter statement about your presentation, as well as a biography, would be perfect.
If you have any concerns about writing your proposal, presenting or chairing, we are running two online pre-conference training sessions, which can be signed up to for free here. These sessions will give you the skills to confidently apply for and present at conferences. Our academic speakers will share key advice for identifying conference opportunities, writing a proposal and bio, and presenting and chairing. The first takes place on October 6th and the second November 10th 2022.
If you have any accessibility requirements or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to Milly, Conference Lead at
The conference will include closed-captions, regular breaks, and specific sessions on neurodivergent working. We will write out reading recommendations and speakers’ key terms in the chat alongside speakers’ suggestions for the specific feedback they would like to receive from the audience. A comprehensive brochure will also include a record of key learnings from the training sessions and an easy to follow conference timetable.
Pre-conference Workshops
Ahead of our Encounters Conference, we are running two free, online workshops to give you the skills to confidently apply for and present at academic conferences. Our academic speakers will share key advice for identifying conference opportunities, writing a proposal and bio, and presenting and chairing. Open to all arts and humanities postgraduates both within and outside of the CHASE cohort.