Encounters - Autumn 2024

26 & 27 November 2024 | Online

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Please note the programme is provisional and subject to change.

Day 1: Encounters Programme – 26th November 2024  

9:45am – 10am: Welcome remarks and housekeeping – brief encounters intro from Millie Riddell (main room)  

10am – 11am: Keynote and Q&A - An Archive State of Mind: Research Through Archive Practice (Sue Breakell, University of Brighton and Design Archives) (main room)  

11am – 11:15am: BREAK  

11:15am – 12:30pm: Session 1: Early Stage Presentations

Cultural Histories and Visual Narratives (breakout room 1)

Alasdair McNeill (Women’s role in the development of the English Cheese Trade, 1580-1780),
Chloe Malik
(Illuminating Inscriptions: Text and image in the gothic stained glass of Canterbury Cathedral),
Claire Ó Nuallàin
Antiquarianism, the Fine Arts and Protestant Identity in Ireland 1770-1801),
Pim Fitzpayne
(Fluctuating notions of authenticity in the construction of ‘Khmer art’)
Becky Hunt (A Synchronic Approach to Studying Grammaticalisation in Cameroon Pidgin English)  

Chair: Harriet Truscott

11:15am – 12:30pm: Session 2: Work-In-Progress Presentations

Intersections of Time and Meaning: Philosophical, Psychoanalytic, and Artistic Perspectives (breakout room 2)

Henri Boschen (Nihilism and Experiences of Time in Friedrich Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy)
Reginald Ajuonuma
(Temporality and the Unconscious),
Isabella Viega
(Sibylline Methodologies: Reading the Sibyl Across Time
Rachel Alban (Working with Non-Linear Temporalities

Chair: Keiran Wilson  

12:30pm – 1:30pm: LUNCH  

1:30pm – 3pm: Parallel Training Sessions   

  1. Research Ethics and Integrity with Sarah Lee (breakout room 1)

  2. Podcast Training with Media Players International

  3. Storytelling for Research with Caryn Douglas

  4. How to write when you’re struggling to write with Wembury Coaching

3pm – 3:30pm: BREAK  

3:30pm – 4:30pm: Session 3: PGR Presentations

Exploring Representation and Identity Through Contemporary Lenses (breakout room 1)

Jack Elliot McIntosh (Theatre & the haunted history of autism research),
Keiran Wilson
(Carceral power and mental health law: Past, present and future of the Mental Health Act (1983)),
Nina Danon
(Neuroqueering through an artwork – Monotropic Time and Listening in Sunday in the Park with George),
Edoardo Marcarini
(The myth of ancientness, how narratives on the past legitimised Iranian music in Israel

Chair: Brell Wilson 

3:30pm – 4:30pm: Session 4: Early Stage Presentations

Artistic Practice and Theatrical Innovation (breakout room 2)

April Wei-West (Sounding out musical futures in Android Opera),
Charlie Ashwell
(It’s a kind of magic: Choreography as an Occult Practice),
Flavia Homburg
(Catalysts for Change and Collaborations in New Writing for the Stage: Theatre Underground, University of Essex and Mercury Theatre 1979-96),
George Clutterback
(Rediscovery' as a Mode of Inquiry: A Short Introduction to Laura (Riding) Jackson's The Life of the Dead (1933)

Chair: Nicole Atkinson 

4:30pm – 5:30pm: Session 5: Early Stage Presentations

Philosophy, Environment, and Evolving Perspectives (breakout room 1)

Anna Titov (Lost Futures in Environmental Philosophy: The Case of Solastalgia)
Jack Morson
(The Task of Translation in Three Glimpses: Heidegger, Spivak, Deguy)
Millie Riddell
(Not One More Acre: The politics of place in land art from Aotearoa),
Theresa Bradstreet
(Choosing direction in the evolution of domestic abuse definition, understanding and research: the impacts of voices over time

Chair: Theresa Bradstreet

4:30pm – 5:30pm: Session 6: Work-in-Progress Presentations

Reimagining Art, Media, and Identity: Temporalities, Perception, and Feminist Legacies (breakout room 2)

Angela Sandoval Uhthoff (Lost Futures in Environmental Humanities Research: The Case of Solastalgia)
Jana Manuelpillai
(TELEVERSION: Exploring TV without vision),
Tatjana Schaefer
(On Heretic Grounds – The Heresies Collective through Archival Research and Oral History Methods) 

Chair: Nicole Atkinson   

5:30pm – 5:45pm: Reconvene and closing remarks (main room)

Day 2: Encounters Programme – 27th November 2024  

9:45am – 10am: Housekeeping recap (main room)

10am – 11:30am: Parallel Training Sessions   

  1. PhDing with Neurodivergence with Dr Nikki Rutter, University of Durham (breakout room 1) 

  2. You are Enough with Jamie Pei (breakout room 2) 

  3. Exploring your interests and development opportunities for a CHASE placement with Joe Upton, CHASE (breakout room 3). No registration required.

  4. Staying Well During your PhD Please note this time is 10:00-13:00

11:30am – 12pm: BREAK  

12pm – 1pm: CHASE Student Success Panel (breakout room 1)

Rumi Dahar (TBC)
Ricarda Brosch
(Publishing in a peer-reviewed UK journal (The Burlington Magazine),
Anita Strasser
(Publishing as part of your research process),
Aadhavan Pazhani
Kate Errington (Broadly Conceived Network)  

Chair: Joe Upton

12pm – 1pm: Session 7: PGR Presentations

Sonic and Sustainable Futures: Innovations in Art and Society (breakout room 2)

Luigi Monteanni (Shadow Box: Probing regimes of audio Supernaturalism through sound recording),
Michel Mason
(Weaveworld: Picking up the threads of reflective practice for reflexive sustainability principles)
Nina Cutler (Future farmscapes: regenerative agriculture, cosmopolitics, speculation and co-design)
Jayne Bunnag
(The Calabar Merchants: Wealth Generation and Deployment in the Liverpool Slave Trade) 

Chair: Anna Titov

1pm – 2pm: LUNCH / Session 8: Disciplinary Networking Session 

Breakout room 1: Practice Based Research,
Breakout room 2: Interdisciplinary research
Breakout room 3: Collaborative Doctoral Awards
Breakout room 4: General networking

2pm – 3pm: Session 9: PGR Presentations

Creative Practice as Research (breakout room 1)  

Harriet Truscott (Caution! This Book is a Time Machine, or Things poets can do with empty pages), Emily Berry (TBC),
Abhaya Rajani (Anti-caste time travel portals: Traversing fluid dalit polyvocal ancestral/fictional bodies through expressions of embodied labour)
Alicja Rogalska (Future Imaginaries: investigating and intervening in the political imaginary crisis through collaborative speculation) 

Chair: Rob Witts 

2pm – 3pm: Session 10: 5MT Session (breakout room 2)

Amy Junker Heslip (Chinese Wallpaper at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton: A complex collage. Materiality, production, trade, transportation, and (re)interpretation in the context of (de)colonialism)
Malcolm Lowe
(Remembering early socialism in contemporary Bosnia)
Benedict Welch
Amber Butchart
(Weaving the Future: Selling Synthetic Cloth and the Cold War),
Louise Dobson
(Changes and Additions: Janet Flanner and the Politics of anti-Communism at the New Yorker (1944-1958))
Alba Ferrándiz Gaudens
 (Chamoru in Motion: Agency, Display and the Circulation of Objects, People and Knowledge from the Mariana Islands to Spain, explained through the 1887 Philippines Exhibition Catalogue) 

Chair: Nicole Atkinson

3pm – 4pm: Session 11: PGR Presentations

Preserving Linguistic and Cultural Heritage: Insights from Ethnographic Archives  (main room)

Anahi Luna (Potential knowledge: on the role of a visual archive in documenting female tattooing in Papua New Guinea)
Enzo Hamel (Lukim piksa em kirapim tingting blo mi": the return of Gregory Bateson's archives in Iatmul villages)
Cariad Martin
(Transgenerational Mapping: A Method for Studying Culture, Named Generations and the Family Life Cycle – tbc to confirm)
Catherine Hirst
(Establishing the age of antiquities: chronologies and significance in pre-Columbian ceramics)
Shaghayegh Rashidi
(Historicising the Depiction of Motherhood and Disability in Iranian Cinema) 

Chair: Imogen Cook

4pm – 4:15pm: Closing Remarks (main room)