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Postponed: Introduction to Project Management for Researchers


Attendees must attend all 3 workshops.

Workshop Audience:

Doctoral students of all stages.


A doctoral research project is a complex and major undertaking, often with many sub-projects and themes contributing to the final project outcomes – the doctoral thesis, PhD qualification and associated publications and outputs. Whilst you certainly don’t need a project management qualification to undertake doctoral research, some targeted application of project management principles and tools to the planning and delivery of your research project will be substantially beneficial for the timely and successful completion of your doctorate. Additionally, the project management skills you acquire as a doctoral researcher will be highly applicable to whatever career direction you pursue beyond your doctoral studies.

In this participative workshop, we will introduce the core elements of project management and explore how you can learn and apply them to your doctoral research project. Whether you are at the very early stages of your research, developing and defining your ideas or if you are nearing the final stages and considering how to bring your research project to completion, this workshop will equip you with project management skills, tools and techniques that will support you in successfully reaching your research goals and objectives.

Learning Outcomes:

Following this workshop participants will have:

  • An understanding of the importance and process involved in carefully defining a project (including purpose, a scheme of work, project team, desired outcomes, success measures)

  • knowledge of techniques and tools for project design and planning

  • an appreciation of how to identify risks in projects and outline mitigation strategies

  • an awareness of how to manage one’s own and others’ productivity and progress towards project aims

  • considered how to monitor progress, identify and solve problems when they arise and celebrate milestones/success

  • an appreciation of the project management skills acquired through doctoral research and how to market these to future employers


Dr Natalie James is an independent professional development coach, trainer and consultant specialised in supporting researchers and academics in all aspects of their professional development. Throughout her career, Natalie has successfully deployed her project management skills to manage large and complex projects, from her own doctoral research project, to £multimillion funding initiatives, complex procurement projects and University-related consultancy projects.

Contact: for more information

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