This course will explore the main copyright issues related to lawfully accessing, using and producing audiovisual works (videos, images and sound) for research and educational purposes.
Aimed at researchers and teachers dealing with audiovisual works, this course will help participants understand the conditions under which audiovisual works can be used lawfully for research and educational purposes; and how mash ups and other derivative works can be created and exploited within and beyond research and educational settings.
What areas will the course cover?
Intellectual property
Copyright and creativity
Types of copyright works
Protection criteria
Economic and moral rights
Authorship and ownership of rights
Licensing and exploiting
Sources of free-to-use material
Idea-Expression dichotomy
Copyright duration
Copyright exceptions
Copyright and creative reuse in education
Fairness in UK law
Participants will gain a good understanding of the basic principles underlying UK copyright law, including protection criteria, protected subject matter, economic and moral rights, authorship and ownership, and lawful reuse, among others. Participants will also learn about the copyright exceptions that specifically apply in educational settings, as well as those which allow everyone to creatively reuse existing materials. Participants will be provided with a suite of free educational resources about copyright that they will be able to access any time to refresh or deepen their knowledge of the topics addressed during the course. In general, by the end of the course participants will be able to make more informed decisions around the copyright issues they face.
This online course consists of two sessions:
1) Introduction to UK copyright law (1h15m)
2) Copyright and reuse of audiovisual materials in educational settings (1h15m)
About the presenter
Bartolomeo Meletti is the Education and Research Executive at Learning on Screen. He also works as Creative Director of for CREATe, the UK Copyright and Creative Economy Centre (University of Glasgow). He is also the Director of Worth Knowing Productions, a digital creative team specialised in making complex knowledge accessible through research-based visual tools.
Previously, Bartolomeo worked at the British Film Institute and the Digital Catapult on secondment from CREATe, and held research and media production positions at CIPPM, the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (Bournemouth University), where he is currently a Visiting Fellow; and at CEMP, the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (Bournemouth University).