How to Thrive in 2050? On neurodiversity and creative knowledge exchange
Online interactive seminar via zoom | 9th May 2023 | 14:00-15:30
nb: this event has been rescheduled from 21/03 to 09/05.
What could or should a more equitable and creative 2050 look like? How should we extend our tentacles and to network with others, including members of different species? What existing and new networks can we form to solidarise and exchange knowledge? Through clips from a commissioned film about a ‘neuro-futuristic’ 2050, How to Thrive in 2050? which premiered on BBC iPlayer, we will break into groups and strategise creative approaches that prioritise neurodiversity and creativity.
Dr Kai Syng Tan FRSA PFHEA
The seminar is one of several ‘masterclasses’ by Kai to knock, mock and knock down the master’s (sic) story. Kai is a creative arts and humanities academic, artist, curator, director and consultant best known for curating art and artful processes to catalyse new insights, dialogues and actions for a more equitable future, by forging new links across communities/disciplines/ cultures in/beyond Higher Education, equity diversity and inclusion (EDI), cultural/creative & 3rd sector organisations. Kai’s day-job is Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, and Programme Leader for a new Creative Arts Leadership MA (09/2023). @kaisyngtan
Please contact Hanna (CHASE KEH officer) if you have any questions and/or access needs.
This seminar is the first in CHASE KEH’s Knowledge Exchange in Practice event series, which explores a variety of knowledge exchange activities and practices accross fields and disciplomes. Check back soon for news on the next event.