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Material Witness | Material Photography

Material Photography: Caffenol Film Developing Demonstration

Melanie King

 Date: 26 March 2021

Time: 11.00 – 13.00 GMT

An introductory talk on Melanie King’s research "Ancient Light: Rematerialising The Astronomical Image" considering how light travels thousands, if not millions of years, before reaching photosensitive film or a digital sensor. Her main body of photographs “Ancient Light” comprises a series of analogue photographic negatives and prints of star-scapes, as well as a series of images created using telescopes and observatories around the world. Alongside this body of work, Melanie has produced 16mm films of the Moon and photographic etchings created using meteorite-imbued ink, milled at the Royal School of Mines.

Melanie is currently researching sustainable photographic processes, to minimise the environmental impact of her artistic practice. She is co-Director of super/collider, Lumen Studios and founder of the London Alternative Photography Collective.

Melanie’s talk will be followed by a Caffenol Film Developing Demonstration.

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