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Publishing Monographs in the Humanities & Social Sciences

Tuesday 8 June | 10:30 - 17:00

Publishing Monographs in the Humanities & Social Sciences

***Suitable for PhD students in their final year***

An eye-opening lecture on academic publishing in the 21st century (covering the state of the market for scholarly publications, online publishing, open access and more) with opportunities for questions and discussion, followed by a half-day interactive workshop.   The course is packed with insights into editors’ decision-making and strategies for maximising the chances of publication in a competitive climate.  

For final-year postgraduates and postdocs, the emphasis is on making the transition from PhD to  publication, with a focus on scholarly monographs.

Josie has given this workshop in over 60 universities in the UK, USA, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Sweden. 

Please note: in preparation for the workshop, participants will be expected to read three articles that will be circulated to them after they sign up to the workshop.

Reviews for this workshop

University of Cambridge

  • ‘This workshop should be made mandatory by the University.’

  • ‘By far the most useful workshop that I have participated in at either Cambridge or Oxford’

  • ‘Comprehensive information on publishing, highly relevant to career development and not found anywhere else.’

  • ‘Thank you for getting such an experienced, first-class professional to give the course.’

  • ‘The publishing industry is one of the most daunting aspects of the post-dissertation future, so it was wonderful to have it explained and to be given strategies by an expert in the field.’

King's College London

  • ‘Absolutely amazing - the most valuable experience at King's so far. It was perfect. Well pitched, well structured - you learn everything you need.’

  • ‘Perfect - I cannot think of a better presenter’

Birkbeck, London

  • ‘Essential’

  • ‘Terrific - full of useful practical tips’ ‘Really valuable and constructive’

  • ‘Most definitely recommended. An eye-opener.’

University of East Anglia

  • ‘what a wonderful event. I took about 20 pages of notes on the day, plus she distributed handouts in the workshop. She is a great resource.’

Terms and conditions

The following groups are eligible to attend the training

By registering below you are requesting a place on this training programme or selected sessions that form part of the programme. A member of the CHASE team or the workshop leader will contact you in due course to confirm that a place has been allocated to you.

If you are allocated a place but can no longer attend, please email so that your place can be reallocated. CHASE training is free to attend and events are often oversubscribed with a waiting list. Failure to notify us of non-attendance in good time (ideally 5 days prior to the workshop/programme) means your place cannot be reallocated and may result in your access to future CHASE training being restricted.

7 June

Peer Review: an introduction

9 June

Writing Abstracts in the Humanities and Social Sciences