
CHASE Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England.

DTPDoctoral Training Partnership. An organisation (usually a group of university institutions) providing training environments for doctoral level research, with the opportunity for PhD students to undertake broader training or development opportunities, such as language proficiency, overseas research visits, or placements with non-academic partners.

DTP1 - Refers to the period of funding and studentship awards made between 2014-2018

DTP2 - Refers to the period of funding and studentship awards made between 2019-2023

AHRC – Arts and Humanities Research Council. The national funding body for research in arts and humanities, the AHRC is a nondepartmental public body sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy , along with the other UK Research Councils.

UKRI - UK Research and Innovation is a body which works in partnership with universities, research organisations, businesses, charities, and government to create the best possible environment for research and innovation.

Non-HEI – Non-Higher Education Institution. CHASE Non-HEI partners are listed here.

Management Board – the CHASE Management Board comprises academic and administrative leads for member institutions, as well as student and non-HEI partner representatives. It manages the operation of the DTP.

TDG – Training and Development Group. The TDG oversees the CHASE training programmes and other training and development provision, including Encounters conferences and student placements.

SC – Student Committee Administrative Lead – Each CHASE institution has a lead contact in professional services who, along with their teams, works closely with the CHASE team to advise on local policy and provide cohort information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q How do I go about arranging an event/ conference/workshop/training programme aimed at CHASE students?
A Contact the CHASE team who will discuss your ideas with you and advise on making a formal funding application. More information here.

Q Can CHASE help with the promotion of my event that would be of interest to the wider CHASE cohort?
A Yes, email and let us know!

Q Is my studentship taxable? Do I need to declare it on my HMRC Self-Assessment tax return?
A No, your studentship is tax-free.

Q What is the policy for teaching during my studentship?
A CHASE studentships do not include any expectation that holders will teach. Any teaching should therefore be arranged via a separate contract with your institution. Please consult your local administrator for your institution’s policy on graduate student teaching, and see also UKRI’s Training Grant Guidance.

Q What are the expectations surrounding paid work?
A Students may also undertake a small amount of other paid work, provided the supervisors give consent and it does not delay or interfere with the research project. Please check with your institution before embarking on paid work.

Q What additional funding is available?
A CHASE-funded students can access financial support for their research costs, training and personal development, and travel to CHASE events. Read the guidelines here.

Q I am attending one of the CHASE training and development programmes, can I claim travel expenses?
A Yes. Please use your institution’s procedures the claiming these expenses. Attendance at CHASE led training including Encounters does not require prior approval.

Q When will I receive my stipend payments?
A Please contact the administrator at your local institution.

Q How can I put forward a proposal for a placement?
A Contact the Placements and Partnerships Officer with an outline of a project you wish to develop:

Q Who do I contact with regards to maternity / paternity leave, interruption, or changing my mode of study from full time / part time or vice versa?
A Please get in touch with your institutional contact.