Communicating your Research to Non-Specialists
Training Organisation: Dr. Sarah Robins-Hobden
Delivery: Online, one half day
Programme Description:
Communicating your research to non-specialists in a concise and engaging way is a premier skill for researchers: not everyone does it well, yet everyone has the capacity to do so. This webinar brings together some crucial factors for success. Take-away tools will support you in understanding your audiences, choosing what to include and what to leave out; constructing an engaging and meaningful narrative; and how to tailor the detail of your research (and its impact) in accessible language.
Learning Outcomes:
Tools that will enable you to construct a concise and engaging narrative of your research, by:
• Identifying the beneficiaries of your research and specifying the ‘so what?’ impact
• Characterising your audiences and adapting using accessible language for articulating complex ideas
• Prioritising your core messages to increase clarity and engage your audience
• Consider the ‘story-telling’ possibilities of your research for different purposes