Introduction to Research Funding
In this interactive workshop we will aim to de-mystify the policies and processes of research funding, exploring how funding is awarded and managed in the UK and the types of funding that might be available to you.
Preparing for Your Viva
Have you submitted your thesis, or are you close to completion? This online workshop is designed to guide you through the process of preparing for your viva and giving your best possible performance on the day.
Preparing for the Final Year of Your PhD
There’s so much to fit into to your final year and careful planning is essential. With clear guidance, individual exercises, and group discussion, this practical workshop helps you prepare for the last stages of your doctorate, including submission, the viva, and what happens next.
Employability Skills
This graphically facilitated 2 hour 15 minute workshop will help you understand the relationship between ‘soft skills’, attitudes, behaviours and ‘hard skills’, what skills and behaviours are sought after by employers, clients or funders and how to build these into your PhD experience and evidence them. We will also look at skills relevant to academic and non-academic career paths and understand commonalities and differences.
Alternative Sources of Postgraduate Funding
By the end of the course, you'll be able to: identify the appropriate alternative funding bodies for you, find them via books and the internet, and apply strongly and correctly.
Career planning and making good decisions
The purpose of this workshop is to help researchers to learn how to plan their career and to make good strategic career decisions as they progress. It encourages doctoral researchers to take a big picture view of the way they plan and manage their post-PhD careers.
Interview skills
Being well-prepared is the key to giving a relaxed performance in an interview. This workshop will help participants reduce their stress levels when preparing for interviews through a greater understanding of the types of questions they may be asked, and how they can prepare to answer them.
exploring post-PhD routes
This 1-month programme will help you identify strengths and explore post-PhD options.
Publicising Your Research through the Media
This one day (or two half days online) Media Workshop is for research students who want to publicise their work in the non-specialist media. Making the case for your research to the general public through the media has never been more important, and this course will give you invaluable lessons from two very experienced ex-BBC journalists, Tim Grout-Smith and Lily Poberezhska. The course, which we have given at 40 UK universities, will also help you to build skills that may be crucial to getting grants in the future.
Wrangling your Workload
This two-part digital workshop will help you to scope exactly how your landscape (and some of the rules) have changed. You’ll review the extent and limits of your new working environment, review your priorities and what that means for your workload now.
1-1 publishing consultations on draft articles
These consultations are designed as follow-up to the workshop on Writing Articles for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Arts and Humanities. Participants submit a draft article 5-6 weeks in advance, and receive detailed constructive feedback on their writing from an experienced academic publisher and research training consultant. Areas for comment typically include structure and presentation of the argument, use of secondary scholarship, how to highlight the original research contribution to best effect, ways to develop the wider implications, and questions of tone, style, and precision.
Turning Your Thesis into a Monograph
You’ve passed your viva and got your life back. Now everyone keeps asking, “When are you going to publish your PhD?” You’re vaguely aware of what’s involved, but you’re not sure where to start. There are so many options, decisions, and conflicting experiences. What’s right for you? And, more importantly, how long will it take?
Writing Abstracts in the Arts & Humanities
This workshop is a one-day intensive training session on writing research abstracts - a key form of scholarly communication. Essential for conferences and journal articles, abstracts are of critical importance for raising the profile of your research and developing an academic career. The workshop is designed to develop the necessary skills, encouraging participants to find clear, concise and powerful ways to summarize their research and make an impact.