‘Back on Track - Intensive Coaching’ Two Day Intensive Researcher Group Coaching
In a world that is critically difficult and damaging to the individual PhD researcher in, both in terms of workplace stress, mental health and pandemic related isolation and disruption, these two-day long sessions aim to allow researchers to develop and maintain a positive and nourishing relationship with their thesis research and their working practice.
Understanding and managing imposter syndrome
During this interactive workshop, we will explore the phenomenon of Imposter Syndrome, its possible triggers and potential consequences, and consider some approaches for handling the associated thoughts and feelings.
Project Management Essentials for doctoral researchers
In this interactive workshop, we will introduce the core elements of project management and explore how you can learn and apply them to your doctoral research project.
having a back up plan
This 1.5-hour participative workshop from how2glu will help you to identify key outcomes and objectives of your research and map out realistic and achievable alternative routes to achieving them. In this way you will be able to interrogate options and create a ‘back up plan’ should you need one in the future.
Preparing for the Final Year of Your PhD
There’s so much to fit into to your final year and careful planning is essential. With clear guidance, individual exercises, and group discussion, this practical workshop helps you prepare for the last stages of your doctorate, including submission, the viva, and what happens next.
Making Progress in your PhD
Are you part-way through your PhD and wondering how to keep going? Do you need a push to progress to the final stages? If so, join us for this online workshop.
Boost: Career Planning Programme
This programme is an opportunity to work with experienced career coaches and other doctoral researchers who want to focus on career planning in a safe and supportive environment.
discovering your agency: how to overcome challenges
In this 2 hour 15 minute workshop we will identify a range of different challenges you may face during your PhD research experience and ways you can generate more positive outcomes.
Employability Skills
This graphically facilitated 2 hour 15 minute workshop will help you understand the relationship between ‘soft skills’, attitudes, behaviours and ‘hard skills’, what skills and behaviours are sought after by employers, clients or funders and how to build these into your PhD experience and evidence them. We will also look at skills relevant to academic and non-academic career paths and understand commonalities and differences.
Career planning and making good decisions
The purpose of this workshop is to help researchers to learn how to plan their career and to make good strategic career decisions as they progress. It encourages doctoral researchers to take a big picture view of the way they plan and manage their post-PhD careers.
Interview skills
Being well-prepared is the key to giving a relaxed performance in an interview. This workshop will help participants reduce their stress levels when preparing for interviews through a greater understanding of the types of questions they may be asked, and how they can prepare to answer them.
exploring post-PhD routes
This 1-month programme will help you identify strengths and explore post-PhD options.
Tools for handling Perfectionism and Imposter Phenomenon
This webinar will introduce you to some techniques to minimise, address, and (with practice) overcome these unhelpful thinking patterns so that you can effectively handle perfectionist behaviours and imposter feelings if they arise.
Stress, Resilience, and Strengths
Layered difficulties deepen stress and can rob us of our sense of control. This session could help you manage stress better, focus on your resilience when you need to, and create a greater sense of agency, whilst acknowledging and working with the very real limitations you might be experiencing.
Stop Networking; start Connecting (with other human beings)
Professional relationships have the capacity to enrich your research life. This workshop offers the space and tools to explore and define your identity as a researcher, and connect more meaningfully with others.
Navigating Change and Uncertainty
In this workshop you’ll work with other researchers and gain a deeper understanding of your personal change responses and explore with a range of strategies and techniques for handling change.
Creative Journaling for Researcher Wellbeing and Research Practice
This course will address how we can externalise inner thoughts through the practice of regular creative journaling. In this context, a journal can be viewed as a flexible instrument of personal, academic and creative insights.
Back on Track - One to One Coaching Sessions for Student Researchers
The aim of this 'Back on Track' programme, through five one-to-one coaching sessions, gets research students who have been struggling during to get 'back on track' with their research work. The programme helps establish work-life patterns that are healthy, realistic, balanced and productive within the limitations of their current circumstances.
Setting goals that are motivating and achievable
Completing a PhD is one of the biggest intellectual goals anyone can have set for themselves. However, goals this big need breaking down into more manageable targets that stimulate and keep momentum throughout the research process.
Wrangling your Workload
This two-part digital workshop will help you to scope exactly how your landscape (and some of the rules) have changed. You’ll review the extent and limits of your new working environment, review your priorities and what that means for your workload now.