Wrangling your Workload

Training Organisation: Dr. Sarah Robins-Hobden

Delivery: Online, two consecutive half days

Programme Description:

Competing priorities, tight timeframes, and a sense of overwhelm… that was the norm for researchers before the pandemic. Right now you may be trying to achieve the same as before but with fewer resources and greater responsibilities vying more pressingly for your energy and attention.

This two-part online workshop will help you to scope exactly how your landscape (and some of the rules) have changed. You’ll review the extent and limits of your new working environment, review your priorities and what that means for your workload now. Then you’ll be in a better place to define how you choose to work within those changes.

Session 1: Surveying your landscape and triaging your priorities.
You can do anything; but you cannot do everything. Use these tools to map your new landscape and identify how your usual patterns are useful or less useful in your new circumstances. Make better decisions to further what is really important to you right now. Reduce overwhelm by deciding what not to do; and take greater control of things you choose to do.

Session 2: Designing your new working patterns and systems
Manage your attention, not your time. With greater clarity on your landscape and present priorities, experiment with some tools that help you optimise small pockets of time; cultivate your capacity for focus; and allocate work and domestic life to your individual rhythms.

Learning Outcomes:

Engaging with this workshop will enable you to:
• Explore the aspects and impact of perfectionism and imposter feelings
• Analyse your individual experiences and responses to these phenomena
• Experiment with some tools to minimise self-sabotage


Publicising Your Research through the Media


1-1 publishing consultations on draft articles