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CHASE Training Needs Survey
Please use the list below with your Training Needs Survey form.
By selecting any of the training below, you are registering your interest. We will be monitoring your responses and will commission the most popular options.
This training needs has been developed with reference to the Vitae Researcher Development Framework the framework is a tool for doctoral researchers to map and categorise their training needs.
Read more about the RDF Planner here
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Make feedback work for you!
In this participative, graphically-facilitated 2 hour 15 minute workshop, we will focus on when, how and from whom to ask for feedback, and different ways to weigh up and respond to written and oral feedback you receive.
Assertive Communication Skills for Researchers
This programme offers an array of assertive approaches that help you assess your current responses to situations and people, and identify what you'd like to change in the way you communicate in certain situations
Chronohacking: Time Management for Doctoral Researchers
This workshop helps doctoral researchers to be strategic with time allocation and, from that, the confidence that they can set and meet deadlines.
How to Craft an Argument
This half day workshop will equip you with the skills to identify and shape a thorough, clear, logical, relevant, and critical argument that makes an original contribution to your field.
How to be a Better Researcher
This half-day workshop will help you make the most out of the research that you’ve already done, by making you aware of a method we’ve adapted from the Johari Window for categorising knowledge and knowledge-finding.