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CHASE Training Needs Survey
Please use the list below with your Training Needs Survey form.
By selecting any of the training below, you are registering your interest. We will be monitoring your responses and will commission the most popular options.
This training needs has been developed with reference to the Vitae Researcher Development Framework the framework is a tool for doctoral researchers to map and categorise their training needs.
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‘Back on Track - Intensive Coaching’ Two Day Intensive Researcher Group Coaching
In a world that is critically difficult and damaging to the individual PhD researcher in, both in terms of workplace stress, mental health and pandemic related isolation and disruption, these two-day long sessions aim to allow researchers to develop and maintain a positive and nourishing relationship with their thesis research and their working practice.
The Procrastinator's Guide to Writing a Journal Article
Through discussion and activities, you’ll learn how to overcome procrastination, streamline your writing process, and boost productivity – all without sacrificing quality. By the end of the session, you’ll have a strategy you can apply to current and future journal articles.
Stop Networking; start Connecting (with other human beings)
This session offers you the space and tools to explore and shape your researcher identity so that you can connect with others in a more meaningful way.
Communicating your Research to Non-Specialists
This workshop brings together some crucial factors for success, taking you on a journey from 'beige' (mediocre) communication, to talking about your research in way that engages and inspires others.
Presenting at Conferences in the Arts and Humanities
This two-part workshop combines a wide-ranging introduction to academic conferences, writing abstracts and preparing presentations (including Powerpoint slides) with a practical session on the second day.
Getting Published – How to Write a Paper
Writing research papers as a doctoral student can be daunting. This half-day workshop aims to make the process of identifying what might work as a paper, as well as how to write it, that little bit easier.