‘Back on Track - Intensive Coaching’ Two Day Intensive Researcher Group Coaching
In a world that is critically difficult and damaging to the individual PhD researcher in, both in terms of workplace stress, mental health and pandemic related isolation and disruption, these two-day long sessions aim to allow researchers to develop and maintain a positive and nourishing relationship with their thesis research and their working practice.
Project Management Essentials for doctoral researchers
In this interactive workshop, we will introduce the core elements of project management and explore how you can learn and apply them to your doctoral research project.
Making Progress in your PhD
Are you part-way through your PhD and wondering how to keep going? Do you need a push to progress to the final stages? If so, join us for this online workshop.
Boost: Career Planning Programme
This programme is an opportunity to work with experienced career coaches and other doctoral researchers who want to focus on career planning in a safe and supportive environment.
True North Writing Essentials:Getting Published – How to Write a Paper
This half-day workshop will help you make the most out the research that you’ve already done by making you aware of a method for categorising knowledge, and knowledge-finding, by how accessible and/or known it is.
Publishing Scholarly Monographs in the Arts and Humanities
The present climate is notoriously difficult for scholarly publishing, and making a first approach to academic presses with the fruits of your doctoral research in a book proposal can be a daunting and uncertain business. This workshop given by an experienced publishing professional is designed to demystify the task, shedding light on the decision-making process and helping researchers considering book publication to present their work to publishers in the best way.
Presenting at Conferences in the Arts and Humanities
This two-part workshop combines a wide-ranging introduction to academic conferences, writing abstracts and preparing presentations (including Powerpoint slides) with a practical session on the second day.
Resilience: Decision-making in uncertainty
This interactive workshop will equip you to create personalised strategies that minimise the negative impact of uncertainty whilst adapting your decision-making to help you move forward.