Accelerate Your Literature Search with AI Tools
Do you spend hours searching for relevant literature? Do you feel like you’re always playing catch-up? In this interactive session, you’ll explore cutting-edge AI tools and techniques designed to streamline your research process. Learn how to harness the power of AI to find the most relevant material, save time and energy, and take your work to the next level.
Purposeful Thinking
This workshop starts by exploring scenarios where purposeful thinking can be useful, and the important differences between the different kinds of thinking. Participants will take part in interactive exercises to learn with, and from, each other about how different kinds of thinking interact.
PhD Plan B: Managing change during research
This workshop will equip doctoral researchers with a range of tools to help them navigate the often uncertain trajectory of a PhD. They will learn strategies for planning ahead, adapting to change, and creating coping strategies for moving away from research pathways in which they have invested significant time and energy.
Publicising Your Research through the Media
This one day (or two half days online) Media Workshop is for research students who want to publicise their work in the non-specialist media. Making the case for your research to the general public through the media has never been more important, and this course will give you invaluable lessons from two very experienced ex-BBC journalists, Tim Grout-Smith and Lily Poberezhska. The course, which we have given at 40 UK universities, will also help you to build skills that may be crucial to getting grants in the future.
Wrangling your Workload
This two-part digital workshop will help you to scope exactly how your landscape (and some of the rules) have changed. You’ll review the extent and limits of your new working environment, review your priorities and what that means for your workload now.
1-1 publishing consultations on draft articles
These consultations are designed as follow-up to the workshop on Writing Articles for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Arts and Humanities. Participants submit a draft article 5-6 weeks in advance, and receive detailed constructive feedback on their writing from an experienced academic publisher and research training consultant. Areas for comment typically include structure and presentation of the argument, use of secondary scholarship, how to highlight the original research contribution to best effect, ways to develop the wider implications, and questions of tone, style, and precision.
Turning Your Thesis into a Monograph
You’ve passed your viva and got your life back. Now everyone keeps asking, “When are you going to publish your PhD?” You’re vaguely aware of what’s involved, but you’re not sure where to start. There are so many options, decisions, and conflicting experiences. What’s right for you? And, more importantly, how long will it take?
Writing Abstracts in the Arts & Humanities
This workshop is a one-day intensive training session on writing research abstracts - a key form of scholarly communication. Essential for conferences and journal articles, abstracts are of critical importance for raising the profile of your research and developing an academic career. The workshop is designed to develop the necessary skills, encouraging participants to find clear, concise and powerful ways to summarize their research and make an impact.
Publishing Scholarly Monographs in the Arts and Humanities
The present climate is notoriously difficult for scholarly publishing, and making a first approach to academic presses with the fruits of your doctoral research in a book proposal can be a daunting and uncertain business. This workshop given by an experienced publishing professional is designed to demystify the task, shedding light on the decision-making process and helping researchers considering book publication to present their work to publishers in the best way.
Presenting at Conferences in the Arts and Humanities
This two-part workshop combines a wide-ranging introduction to academic conferences, writing abstracts and preparing presentations (including Powerpoint slides) with a practical session on the second day.
Resilience: Decision-making in uncertainty
This interactive workshop will equip you to create personalised strategies that minimise the negative impact of uncertainty whilst adapting your decision-making to help you move forward.
Communicating your Research to Non-Specialists
Communicating your research to non-specialists in a concise and engaging way is a premier skill for researchers: not everyone does it well, yet everyone has the capacity to do so. This webinar brings together some crucial factors for success.
Assertive Communication Skills for Researchers
In this workshop you will assess your responses to situations and people, focusing on a better balance and respect for your own needs, priorities and feelings, alongside those of others.
Storytelling for researchers
This workshop focuses on the preparation for talking about your research, rather than the delivery of presentations. By using storytelling techniques and focusing on the message, this workshop will help researchers communicate their passion to any audience. There are four key parts to the the workshop: audiences, storytelling structures, storyboarding, visual aids.
Resilience: Balancing demands and resources
In this interactive workshop you will encounter a range of approaches and tools for managing and supporting your research activities, offering opportunities for more creative problem-solving and decision-making.
Working Towards the Upgrade
Upgrading from MPhil to the status of PhD candidate is an important milestone for postgraduate researchers. Crucially, you must submit the work you've done so far and explain its potential as an original and significant piece of research.
This 6-week course is dedicated to early-stage researchers who are seeking guidance and peer support while working towards the upgrade. Through this training, you'll make significant progress, share ideas, and build a network.
True North Writing Essentials: Reading Like a Writer
In this workshop we will introduce you to a forensic approach to reading. We’ll explore how the writers you admire capture and hold your attention, looking for what works – and what doesn’t work.
True North Writing Essentials: Thinking Like An Editor
This workshop addresses the all-too-common problem of front-loading the writing process, whereby some students spend the bulk of their time researching, leaving their write-up until the end, with too little time for thinking. We instil early on a habit of multiple drafting and polishing.
True North Writing Essentials: Crafting Your Literature Review
In this half-day workshop we’ll explore practical ways to find and file source material and then extract the information you need in the most efficient way. You’ll also practice stepping back from your notes to shape a strong narrative that tells the ‘story so far’ in a clear and compelling way, thereby setting the stage for your own contribution.
True North Writing Essentials: Getting Going
Are you prone to procrastinating? Do you avoid writing until you’ve got your ideas fully worked out? Do you fear the blank page? If you find yourself looking for reasons not to start writing, then this workshop can help.