Negotiation Skills for Researchers
This programme is for researchers who want to prepare for, initiate, and engage with negotiation conversations in the research environment.
How to Run a Caring and Quality Open Access Journal
While graduate and post-graduate journals are open access they are often passively so, accepting and endorsing the fact they are open access without understanding fully the politics and principles that underpin it, and the different approaches to open access. This training is an opportunity for these journals to be opening a debate and raising awareness of open access with their editorial boards, writers and reviewers.
How to Create an Effective Podcast
This workshop run by two ex-BBC journalists and experienced programme-makers will give you the skills to create effective and engaging podcasts about your research. Podcasts are the most accessible “windows” to your research and and can make a big impact on various audiences.
Peer Review in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction
This introductory workshop is designed to de-mystify peer review in the arts and humanities, examining it in a broad context, and analysing and developing the necessary critical skills. It highlights the reviewer's ethical responsibilities, and offers a range of practical guidance on the principles and standards involved in making a constructive contribution to the advancement of others' research and the integrity of the discipline.
Understanding Academic Freedom and Intellectual Property in the UK
This session intends to raise awareness of the history of academic freedom, the different definitions that are both legal and de facto (rights in practice but not in statue). It will be a chance to participate and consider the current complex debates on academic freedom and the current legislative changes being considered in the UK.
Tools for handling Perfectionism and Imposter Phenomenon
This webinar will introduce you to some techniques to minimise, address, and (with practice) overcome these unhelpful thinking patterns so that you can effectively handle perfectionist behaviours and imposter feelings if they arise.
Stress, Resilience, and Strengths
Layered difficulties deepen stress and can rob us of our sense of control. This session could help you manage stress better, focus on your resilience when you need to, and create a greater sense of agency, whilst acknowledging and working with the very real limitations you might be experiencing.
Stop Networking; start Connecting (with other human beings)
Professional relationships have the capacity to enrich your research life. This workshop offers the space and tools to explore and define your identity as a researcher, and connect more meaningfully with others.
Navigating Change and Uncertainty
In this workshop you’ll work with other researchers and gain a deeper understanding of your personal change responses and explore with a range of strategies and techniques for handling change.
Developing Activist Communities of Care Online
This training builds on a collaborative digital 'carekit' for activists already in development, being written by Dr Audrey Verma and Dr Heather McKnight, and illustrated by Griselda Gabriele. The carekit draws from a workshop presented by at the CHASE Taking Care in the Climate Crisis conference (2021) but was funded by a Leverhulme grant headed by Dr Audrey Verma.
Creative Journaling for Researcher Wellbeing and Research Practice
This course will address how we can externalise inner thoughts through the practice of regular creative journaling. In this context, a journal can be viewed as a flexible instrument of personal, academic and creative insights.
Back on Track - One to One Coaching Sessions for Student Researchers
The aim of this 'Back on Track' programme, through five one-to-one coaching sessions, gets research students who have been struggling during to get 'back on track' with their research work. The programme helps establish work-life patterns that are healthy, realistic, balanced and productive within the limitations of their current circumstances.
Setting goals that are motivating and achievable
Completing a PhD is one of the biggest intellectual goals anyone can have set for themselves. However, goals this big need breaking down into more manageable targets that stimulate and keep momentum throughout the research process.
True North Writing Essentials:Getting Published – How to Write a Paper
This half-day workshop will help you make the most out the research that you’ve already done by making you aware of a method for categorising knowledge, and knowledge-finding, by how accessible and/or known it is.
True North Writing Essentials: How to be a Better Researcher
This half-day workshop will help you make the most out the research that you’ve already done by making you aware of a method for categorising knowledge, and knowledge-finding, by how accessible and/or known it is.
True North Writing Essentials: Drafting to Crafting
You have reams of research, numerous bits of writing that need to be joined into a single narrative, rough thoughts and notes, teeming references. How do you bring these into coherence and begin refining your narrative? Or – you’ve got a first draft and parts of it you think are wonderful, inspired, original, while other parts look a bit raw or even wild, and you don’t know how to tame the beast.
Humanities as Journalism: How to Write for a General Audience
The public are most likely to encounter scholarly ideas through slick blogs, online articles or through the fun and humour of formats like Horrible Histories. This one day workshop aims to bring some of the practical skills of journalists and popular writers to the humanities, helping you to compete in an increasingly crowded market.
Writing Articles for Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Arts and Humanities
This workshop for researchers seeking to publish in peer-reviewed journals focuses on the key criteria involved in journal editors’ selection processes and peer-review, and how to meet them. Based on the inside knowledge of an experienced academic publisher, it is designed to develop essential skills in writing articles in order to increase researchers’ chances of placing their work in premium scholarly journals, to the benefit of their academic profile and career prospects.
Resolving Conflict in the Research Environment
Conflict may arise in different ways during the course of your research - usually when a need isn’t being met, or a disagreement arises. Developing the way you understand and address conflict situations will improve your communication skills and your relationships, both within the research environment and outside of it.
Turbocharge Your Writing with AI Tools
In this interactive session, you’ll discover how AI-powered tools can help you write faster, improve clarity, and streamline your process. From grammar and style enhancements to structural organization, you’ll explore a wealth of possibilities.