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CHASE Training Needs Survey
Please use the list below with your Training Needs Survey form.
By selecting any of the training below, you are registering your interest. We will be monitoring your responses and will commission the most popular options.
This training needs has been developed with reference to the Vitae Researcher Development Framework the framework is a tool for doctoral researchers to map and categorise their training needs.
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Media and communications training
This media and communications workshop is designed to ensure that, the next time you address a live camera, a podcast, a conference audience or an interview panel, you’re equipped to get your message across confidently, engagingly and effectively.
Articulating Practice-Based and Practice-Led Research
This interactive workshop is designed to help doctoral students working on practice-based and practice-led projects to understand the criteria for research applied by UKRI and others, to stimulate discussion of the challenges involved, and provide constructive exercises to help define, articulate and present the research dimension of their work, developing vital skills for writing up and dissemination.
Peer Review in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction
This introductory workshop is designed to de-mystify peer review in the arts and humanities, examining it in a broad context, and analysing and developing the necessary critical skills.
Storytelling for researchers
This workshop focuses on the preparation for talking about your research, rather than the delivery of presentations. By using storytelling techniques and focusing on the message, this workshop will help researchers communicate their passion to any audience.
How to Create an Effective Podcast
This workshop run by two ex-BBC journalists and experienced programme-makers will give you the skills to create effective and engaging podcasts about your research. Podcasts are the most accessible “windows” to your research and and can make a big impact on various audiences.
‘Back on Track - Intensive Coaching’ Two Day Intensive Researcher Group Coaching
In a world that is critically difficult and damaging to the individual PhD researcher in, both in terms of workplace stress, mental health and pandemic related isolation and disruption, these two-day long sessions aim to allow researchers to develop and maintain a positive and nourishing relationship with their thesis research and their working practice.
Make feedback work for you!
In this participative, graphically-facilitated 2 hour 15 minute workshop, we will focus on when, how and from whom to ask for feedback, and different ways to weigh up and respond to written and oral feedback you receive.
Exploring post-PhD routes
This 1-month programme will help you identify strengths and explore post-PhD options. The programme is led by Dr Sabina Strachan who is an architectural historian and has since gone on to start her own business, a consultancy that helps people work together better to achieve greater impacts (
Understanding Academic Freedom and Intellectual Property in the UK
This session intends to raise awareness of the history of academic freedom, the different definitions that are both legal and de facto (rights in practice but not in statue). It will be a chance to participate and consider the current complex debates on academic freedom and the current legislative changes being considered in the UK.
Writing a Narrative CV
This interactive workshop demystifies and simplifies the process of writing a narrative CV. Through discussion, activities, and examples, you’ll learn how best to present your research story.
Getting Writing Done: How to Lower Your Standards and Finish that Draft
In this interactive and supportive session, you’ll break free from perfectionism, conquer writer’s block, and unleash your creativity. You’ll also apply the techniques to create a short piece of writing.
The Procrastinator's Guide to Writing a Journal Article
Through discussion and activities, you’ll learn how to overcome procrastination, streamline your writing process, and boost productivity – all without sacrificing quality. By the end of the session, you’ll have a strategy you can apply to current and future journal articles.
How to Run a Caring and Quality Open Access Journal
This training is directed at students on editorial boards of Open Access (OA) graduate journals, peer reviewers of OA journals and researchers looking to set up their own OA journals or engage with them in future.
Developing Activist Communities of Care Online
The day will consist of a variety of interactive online exercises and group discussions that align with the Digital Care Kit for Developing Activist Communities of care.
An Introduction to Eco-Anxiety for Researchers
The session will be run by two facilitators, encouraging participants to engage collectively and creatively in relation to the eco-anxiety through interactive online groupwork.
Stop Networking; start Connecting (with other human beings)
This session offers you the space and tools to explore and shape your researcher identity so that you can connect with others in a more meaningful way.
Conquer your challenges! The secrets of self-empowerment
In this 2 hour 15 minute workshop we will identify a range of different challenges you may face during your PhD research experience and ways you can generate more positive outcomes.
Tools for handling Perfectionism and Imposter Phenomenon
Engaging with this workshop will enable you to explore the commonalities, contributing factors, and impact of perfectionism and imposter feelings.
Communicating your Research to Non-Specialists
This workshop brings together some crucial factors for success, taking you on a journey from 'beige' (mediocre) communication, to talking about your research in way that engages and inspires others.
Assertive Communication Skills for Researchers
This programme offers an array of assertive approaches that help you assess your current responses to situations and people, and identify what you'd like to change in the way you communicate in certain situations