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CHASE Training Needs Survey
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By selecting any of the training below, you are registering your interest. We will be monitoring your responses and will commission the most popular options.
This training needs has been developed with reference to the Vitae Researcher Development Framework the framework is a tool for doctoral researchers to map and categorise their training needs.
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Resolving Conflict in the research environment
In this workshop you will choose from a range of techniques for handling conflict in situations that are relevant and meaningful to you.
Writing Articles for Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Arts & Humanities
This workshop for researchers seeking to publish in peer-reviewed journals focuses on the key criteria involved in journal editors’ selection processes and peer-review, and how to meet them.
Publishing Scholarly Monographs in the Arts and Humanities
This workshop given by an experienced publishing professional is designed to demystify the task, shedding light on the decision-making process and helping researchers considering book publication to present their work to publishers in the best way.
Presenting at Conferences in the Arts and Humanities
This two-part workshop combines a wide-ranging introduction to academic conferences, writing abstracts and preparing presentations (including Powerpoint slides) with a practical session on the second day.
Negotiation Skills for Researchers
This programme is for researchers who want to prepare for, initiate, or engage with negotiation conversations - willingly, or reluctantly!
1-1 publishing consultations on draft articles
These consultations are designed as follow-up to the workshop on Writing Articles for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Arts and Humanities.
Doctoral Translation
This workshop will help participants reduce their stress levels when preparing for interviews through a greater understanding of the types of questions they may be asked, and how they can prepare to answer them.
Chronohacking: Time Management for Doctoral Researchers
This workshop helps doctoral researchers to be strategic with time allocation and, from that, the confidence that they can set and meet deadlines.
Turbocharging Your Writing with AI Tools
In this interactive session, you’ll discover how AI-powered tools can help you write faster, improve clarity, and streamline your process
Career planning and making good decisions
The purpose of this workshop is to help researchers to learn how to think strategically about career planning and to make decisions in which they can have confidence throughout their career.
Publicising Your Research through the Media
This one day (or two half days online) Media Workshop is for research students who want to publicise their work in the non-specialist media.
Accelerating Your Literature Search with AI Tools
In this interactive session, you’ll explore cutting-edge AI tools and techniques designed to streamline your research process. Learn how to harness the power of AI to find the most relevant material, save time and energy, and take your work to the next level.
How to Craft an Argument
This half day workshop will equip you with the skills to identify and shape a thorough, clear, logical, relevant, and critical argument that makes an original contribution to your field.
How to be a Better Researcher
This half-day workshop will help you make the most out of the research that you’ve already done, by making you aware of a method we’ve adapted from the Johari Window for categorising knowledge and knowledge-finding.
Getting Published – How to Write a Paper
Writing research papers as a doctoral student can be daunting. This half-day workshop aims to make the process of identifying what might work as a paper, as well as how to write it, that little bit easier.
Thinking Like An Editor
This workshop addresses the all-too-common problem of front-loading the writing process, whereby some students spend the bulk of their time researching, leaving their write-up until the end, with too little time for thinking.
Reading Like a Writer
In this workshop we introduce you to a forensic approach to reading. We’ll explore how the writers you admire capture and hold your attention, looking for what works – and what doesn’t work.
Drafting to Crafting
You have reams of research, numerous bits of writing that need to be joined into a single narrative, rough thoughts and notes, teeming references. How do you bring these into coherence and begin refining your narrative?